Sunday, May 24, 2020
What does Utilitarianism Has to do with a Surgeon
The guiding principle, being utilitarianism, is to act in the way which will always produce the maximum overall amount of goodness in the world. The basic purpose of morality is making the world a much better place to live in (Hinman, 2014). Morality is also about producing some good consequences and not having any kind of good intension. It also states that we should be doing whatever brings the maximum benefit (intrinsic value) to the entire humanity. Case: rule utilitarian vs. act utilitarian The case under study is of the surgeon who has to decide killing of a normal, but unjust person for the sake of saving five sick people. An act utilitarian in this case would be considering every probable†¦show more content†¦Opposition to transplant In addition, most of the observers intuitively say it is utterly wrong. Hence, a challenge is eventually posed to the utilitarian, as it mostly seems to go on without even saying that the transplant would be an act of greatest utility mainly for the cost of one’s life as well as the surgeon’s time, as five other people could also be saved (Degrees of clarity, n.d.). Considering the situation, then it will result into a one-to-five cost-to-advantage ratio, which is not just preponderance, but only weightily so. Here it is important to discuss about Foot’s views as he avoids the problem by saying that the doctrine of doing as well as allowing draws more moral distinction specifically between the actions which we wilfully execute and also the ones we which we allow to take place. In this case, it can be said that it is morally sound to let all the five men die as killing the sixth man would be actually a murder. On the contrary, doing nothing, while being unfortunate, seems very much justified due to the fact that we can do nothing on our own but just let it happen on its own. At this point, a better means to explain the transplant case is required, and for that, preferably we will only use the fundamental tenets associated to utilitarianism. One of the major solutions for this case will be simply ignoring the intuitive answers and to assert that an operation for transplant will indeed be a moralShow MoreRelatedObjections to Utilitarianism1467 Words  | 6 Pages SECTION (1) INTRODUCTION We noted, last week, that UTILITARIANISM is a version of CONSEQUENTIALISM in that it holds that the RIGHT action (in any given situation) is the action WHICH HAS THE WHICH HAS THE BEST CONSEQUENCES; CONSEQUENTIALIST ethical theories may be contrasted with DEONTOLOGICAL – or Read MoreThe Trolley Problem1420 Words  | 6 PagesTrolley Driver, Bystander at the Switch, Fat Man, Transplant, Hospital scenarios discussed in the The Trolley Problem reading. In doing so, address what the ethical issue(s) are in each of these scenarios. The trolley problem can be expanded to discuss a number of related ethical dilemmas, all referring to the conflicts inherent in utilitarianism and consequentialist ethics. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Obesity A Growing Problem - 1780 Words
As the world around us evolves, it is affecting many aspects of life. Some of these changes cause many problems in health care. With more technology and quicker access to things, health problems in general seem unattainable at times. Many parents are working more days and longer hours at work, leaving many children at home to feed themselves. As a result, many children and adolescents are eating at fast food places for various reasons: eating at a fast food place has cheap, quick access, and takes no waiting time. Through the years studies have shown an increase in obesity throughout the country. This is a major cause of concern for Americans. Research has shown that factors like socioeconomic status, race/ ethnicity, and poor eating†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"School-based interventions may be effective if there is sufficient administrative support, reorganization of the physical education structure, and a shift from competition to an orientation of life-long fitness†. (Green). It is unfortunate when schools make budgets cuts and eliminate physical education classes or reduce afterschool programs that involve sports of fitness. There need to be more support for the school systems in influencing changes against obesity. Physical education programs throughout the nation must take a proactive approach in combining fitness, counseling, dieting, and proper nutrition to assist children suffering from obesity (Green). When schools redirect their focus to help stop or reduce obesity in children, it is necessary that parents also reinforce physical activities at home. Parents are a potentially powerful voice in the fight against childhood obesity (Schwartz). If parents continue to reinforce physical activities at home then children will make it more of a lifestyle. Parents and family play a major role by encouraging and supporting children to become more involved in physical activities. The encouragement from parents and teachers will make sedentary ac tivities appear less attractive to kids. Increasing physical activity is a rather simple first step in adjusting to a healthier lifestyle as well as a step in reducing obesity in children. This country faces a ton of health concerns. The government cannot governShow MoreRelatedObesity : A Growing Problem959 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Today in the United States, obesity is a growing problem. One-third of adults in the United States are obese which is about 78.6 million people (â€Å"Adult Obesity Facts†1). The number of adults that are obese has quadrupled in the last thirty years. Childhood obesity has doubled in the last thirty years. In 1980, seven percent of children between the ages of six and eleven were obese. In 2012, eighteen percent of children in that same age group were obese. In 1980, five percent of teensRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem918 Words  | 4 PagesObesity is a growing problem in the United States, especially with children and adolescents. Since 1980 obesity rates have more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents. In 2012 more than one third of children in the United States were either overweight or obese. With obesity rates in children and adolescents continuing to grow, we need to educate ourselves to help lead a healthier lifestyle for our children. There a re many things that can cause obesity from health problems to poorRead MoreIs Obesity A Growing Problem? Essay1319 Words  | 6 Pagesmuscle health, an increase in body fat, and possible depression. Obesity is a growing problem in America not only with adults but also with school aged children. The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period (Childhood Obesity Facts, 2015). Being physically active can also help youth improveRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem1352 Words  | 6 Pagesdeveloped countries, especially in the United Kingdom, obesity is a growing problem and causes serious morbidity in western countries. The appearance of obesity is affecting the general public. The connection to be overweight or obesity is because of the body absorb calories mor e than the necessary. Western-style diet, lack of outdoors activities, emotions and genetics are the main reasons leading to people who suffer the obesity. The number of obesity continues to rise as a signal, conduce the publicRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem848 Words  | 4 PagesObesity related illnesses contribute to over 300,000 deaths per year in the U.S. We are a nation of overfed under nourished people with obesity becoming a pandemic. Obesity was once thought to be exclusively a social problem; it is now classified as a medical problem. It is a multibillion dollar industry. Losing weight is not just as simple as exercising more and eating less, as our society has grown more complex the obesity rate has risen. Obesity is a growing problem in the U.S. today caused primarilyRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem1658 Words  | 7 PagesRunning head: ​​ ​​​​​ Obesity ​​​​​ JoAnne DuBois ​​​​ Pima Medical Institute Abstract Obesity continues to be a growing problem in the U.S. with diet and lifestyle as two major contributors. Americans are becoming less active and eating more unhealthy foods that are easily accessible. Diet and lifestyle seems to be the more obvious causes for obesity, but there are many different factors that play a role in the continuingRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem4014 Words  | 17 PagesIntroduction: 1 Obesity is a chronic, widespread disease that is affecting more children, adolescents and adults than ever before. In America, obesity rates in children have doubled and tripled in adolescents since 1980 and additionally, 15 percent of children between 6 and 19 are overweight and more than 60 percent of adults are overweight are obese. Additionally, the prevalence of a BMI greater than or equal to 40 had quadrupled from 1986 and 2000 and clinically severe obesity is become prevalentRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem2076 Words  | 9 PagesObesity has become an immense problem in today’s society and, like the average American, has been growing larger and larger in recent years with showing no signs of slimming down. Although our society defines being obese as having any extra weight in even the slightest of capacities, the definition is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. Because obesity is such a big issue in America, on e might want to know how we could let it get this bad, but whoRead MoreObesity: A Growing Problem796 Words  | 3 PagesOverweight and obese children are a significant problem in the United States today. The amount of overweight adolescents and younger children have sky rocketed, and has more than tripled since the 1970s. Developing overweight habits while young inhibits an individual’s chances of being healthy later in life. In order to prevent the obesity epidemic in our country, the major causes and root problems of obesity must be explored and put to an end. Obviously, overeating and a lacking of physical activityRead MoreChildhood Obesity: A Growing Problem795 Words  | 3 PagesChildhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. Many people may say it is the Child’s fault, he is weak willed. This is just a common misconception; there are hundreds of different reasons for childhood obesity. I will just be scratching the surface of this paper. By the same token childhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. We can achieve this by understanding some common misconceptions, understanding health problems, and understanding fitness. Therefore
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Apply Problem Solving Free Essays
Problem solving is not always an easy task to tackle. During my years of work experience I have seen and been part of several problem solving situations, and everyone is different, and everyone handles these situations differently. In order to solve them successfully sometimes you have to persuade certain people and sometimes science needs to prove it wrong or right. We will write a custom essay sample on Apply Problem Solving or any similar topic only for you Order Now Working in title and escrow can be frustrating, challenging, long hours, and most importantly extremely stressful. This was the career path I was on over nine years ago, and my thoughts were that I would be doing this position for the rest of my career. The mortgage industry was very hectic and busy at the time and people were refinancing their homes and some were refinancing twice a year. The rates were incredible and housing prices continued to rise, and it seemed as if everyone was either buying new homes or refinancing their existing homes. The economy at the time was doing well and many people were buying new items and charging them. We would cut many checks to credit card companies to pay off their balances through the refinance stage. The better the rates became the busier we became, but we didn’t higher any new employees. We were all working long hours and as the months went on instead of working until six in the evening we were working until eight or nine in the evening and sometimes on the weekends. My manager kept expressing to the higher management that we needed to higher more employees to keep up with the demand and give the same high quality of service. They continued to ignore her and continued to brush it off. Until one day when she crunched the numbers and showed them that the company was burning out their employees and spending so much money on overtime. In the last six months with all the overtime they, spent they could have hired an additional three people and still would have been less expensive for the company. The management finally realized that they needed to hire on two more people to keep up with the work and continue to strive with our quality of customer service and not burn out the employees they had. In the following two weeks we had two new assistants and we were all able to work until our scheduled time five in the evening and no more weekends. About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with gastritis which is when the lining of my stomach becomes inflamed, irritated, or erosion happens. This is caused by stress, eating spicy foods, dairy products, and eating acetic products such as tomatoes or oranges. I went through different tests to be diagnosed and when the doctors diagnosed me they wanted me to take antacid prescribed drugs such as Prevacid and Nexium. Yes these were both scientific drugs, but they were not helping the situation. I was still having nausea and stomach pains while I was taking the prescribed drugs. Eventually I spoke to a friend who was going to a holistic doctor and would not stop talking about how great she was. During this time I was married and my husband was a paramedic so of course he did not believe in alternative medicine. He was against it and thought it would never work. Even though he was not opened to alternative medicine I was. Being miserable I realized and figured out that it would not hurt to try and talk to her. I meet with her and she put me on some natural herbal release pills and probiotic pills. Within days I was benefiting from those natural herbs. I was able to slowly bring dairy and acetic products gradually back into my diet and not feel the nausea or receive the stomach cramps. Since that day I have not taken Prevacid or Nexium and I feel great. I do believe in scientific medicine, but I also believe in natural herbs that come from the ground. Through this process I learned that we cannot be closed minded and need to be opened to other possibilities at certain times. Through my experiences in title and escrow I realized that you cannot change everything, and if there are certain issues or problems that need to be changed or fixed that at times certain people need to see the facts before they believe it or change it. With my diagnosis I am very happy that I was opened to new ideas and didn’t only believe what others believed because if I did I might not have been able to manage my gastritis. In life we experience many things, and there are always problems to be solved, but what matters is how you go about solving them. How to cite Apply Problem Solving, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Have you ever wondered what my... free essay sample
Have you ever wondered what my children, the trees would say if they could speak? They are sad, angry, disappointed yet somehow manage to be compassionate and forgiving, which is truly the saddest of all. My children watch while you cut down their siblings. You merciless humans, plow down such beautiful creations, and all for what? A little more elbow room? You deprive them of their basic needs; obstruct their path to find water with your plastic wastes. They suffocate themselves so that you can breathe without any obstructions. You dont even let them mourn in peace. That is what happens in autumn. Perhaps when my children shed their leaves, they are weeping for all they have lost, all they have been unjustly robbed off as you just watch them wail. You watch them mourn and you think that its beautiful.You, who are destroyers at heart, riot through life with torches and pitchforks in your hands, leaving bones and fire and rotting flesh in your wake. It is a shame that we have to face your gratuitous wrath. If only my children could speak. If only they could testify you. If only they could be granted justice. If only they could strike back. Broken shrieks of despair and fury would erupt from their throats. We were here first, You havent the right, After all we have done for you, they would say. Their branches would blaze with fire, rage dancing in the flames as you steal their existence, leaving only a stump of life before swiping that away, too. Lifeless bare branches would cast their haunting shadows over the ground, wishing they could trap you in their livid hold. Take my word. They could trample you; they would win and I would be glad when they do.Humans are the most disappointing creation. Trees, after all of their long years, would be wise enough to realize this. Pride and greed blind you, and you do not see past your selfish needs. The green monster in your heads sputters out demands for more, more, more. The trees only give. They provide oxygen and shade and something truly beautiful to look at. If they could speak, they would say, You should all be ashamed of yourselves. And you should be.Despite all that you are guilty of, the trees express compassion. They give you shade when you are too hot. They stand over you like watchdogs, wishing away the heat. Even so, you complain of the uncomfortable ground that they reside in. You ungrateful beasts, even when they let you ogle at their beauty while they are weeping in the sad autumn months asking what they did to deserve their undoing, they allow you to scrape together the remains of their grief and they only watch as you have the audacity to play with their leaves as if they came from joy.My children are so forgiving. It is a mystery to me, why they excuse you after all that you have done. They mourn in autumn, thrive in summer and become leafless and lifeless in winter. Yet spring will always come again, without fail. My children will forgive you, it is in their nature. They will bloom for you again, and you will remain oblivious to the absolution they grant you. Their leaves will stretch down, offering a gentle caress that can only be saying: We forgive you. I wish they were not so kind. You do not deserve their mercy. Perhaps that is why trees are so much taller than you. They tower over you and you are forced to look up at them. No wonder you are so small. As your fellow human, Maggie Stiefvater said, If I were a tree, I would have no reason to love a human, and yes, my children have no reason to love you, to purify the air you breathe, to give you shade, wood or their products. Yet, they do. They love you and let you rejoice at the cost of their sorrow.Who has not looked on the flowering laburnum and laughed in sheer joy? Who has not watched the red orange burst of the flame of the forest and been inspired? Who has not stolen mangoes, climbed banyans and tamarind trees and then taken respite in the shade? Can you ever just look at a tree in its prime, with the wind in its leaves, or the light spilling through its branches, or the rain sweeping down its trunk and not be moved? How can one not feel protective of a young gentle sapling struggling in a storm, knowing it has a long way to go?One blessed human, Rabindranath Tagore, wrote:The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and of death, in ebb and in flow. I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life. And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment. If that remnant of compassion still remains alive within you, leave us alone. Start recycling paper. Reduce pollution. We cannot take more of your toxins. Come to us for the products we willingly give you. Dont force my children to consume your artificial fertilizers. To build your houses, you have destroyed the homes of my animal friends. Let them survive. Dont make them suffer the same fate we were doomed to so far. We share the same space that the Mother Earth has graciously given us. Let us not compete, because whoever wins, it will be you who will take up the heavier losses. Thank you.
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