Thursday, December 26, 2019
Children s Learning During Ppl3 - 3281 Words
Having had the opportunity to assess children’s learning during PPL3, it is clear that there are certain strategies that best suits the needs of individuals. From studying lesson plans and evaluations, and from general observation it is clear that group work was often beneficial, and gave the children the chance to work with peers of different ability levels and different learning styles, so that they were able to develop and learn from their peers. Group work is great for getting children to work collaboratively, whether this is as a pair, or as a group of 6, or a group of 12, it takes them out of their comfort zones and to adapt to new situations. Using different strategies such as think-pair-share and mixed ability groups as well as self chosen groups can really determine the quality of children’s learning. I shall be looking into these strategies and reviewing my own teaching and how they were beneficial or detrimental towards a child’s education. Group work revolves around one main point: communication, Lev Vygotsky (1978) stated that â€Å"language is the main tool that promotes thinking, develops reasoning, and supports cultural activities like reading and writing†. Teachers need to provide the opportunity for children to discuss their own learning, it helps children build off one another and to learn off one another through meaningful exchange, this then promotes deeper understanding and communication. Discussion-based classroom using socratic dialogue can lead each
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Letter from Birmingham Jail Brief Analysis
‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’ Rhetorical Analysis Martin Luther King Jr., the leader of the Civil Rights Movement, was arrested and placed in Birmingham jail after leading a non-violent march to protest racism in the streets of Alabama- a highly segregated state at the time. There he received a newspaper containing â€Å"A Call for Unity,†which was written by eight white Alabama clergymen criticizing King and his movement’s methods; this prompted King to write a letter in response to the critics. Martin Luther King Jr. employs ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade and demonstrate to the critics and other readers the many injustices of segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. exercised the rhetorical method of ethos to present his†¦show more content†¦For example, in lines 69-76, King answers the critics questioning of his use of direct action and marches to protest against segregation. He states that â€Å"nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored†(71-73). This explanation is so broken down and easy to understand that it would not make sense to disregard it and agree with the critics. Another instance in which King uses logos is when, as mentioned above, he references the Holocaust and Hitler’s mistreatment of Jews in lines 181 to 185. He discusses how the definitions of â€Å"illegal†and â€Å"legal†were skewed during that horrific time period. King connects how the definitions in Germany during the Holocaust are similar to the definitions during the Civil Rights Movement about segregation. This appeals to the critics and readers logos because it forces them to think about how terrible the Holocaust was and the treatment of Jews, and realize that the Jews and the African-Americans were being treated in a similar sense. The way King uses logos, is very e ffective because he makes his ideas and points have sound reasoning while politely diminishing the reasoning of theShow MoreRelated Letters from a Birmingham Jail Essay1534 Words  | 7 PagesLetters from a Birmingham Jail Aristotle is a very citable man when it comes to the way we think today. His rhetoric techniques are still being used in todays society. The Neo-Aristotelian Criticism is three different appeals of persuasion. This is ethos, pathos and logos, which makes one heck of a convincing argument. Ethos gives credibility, pathos shows emotion and logos uses words. In the text, Letter from Birmingham Jail, we find many examples of the criticism. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Economics Performance of Singapore
Question: Describe about the Economics Performance of Singapore. Answer: Economics Performance of Singapore Singapore is one of the economies that have been able to move from third world country to the first world within a short period. The country experienced dire economic and political situations similar to those of many third world countries in the past (Felker et al.,2013). However, development of effective policies, a supportive government, and right economic conditions has made Singapores economy grow at a very fast rate. Singapore adopted and utilized free market economy where they promote international trade and is open to international investment through Foreign Direct investment. The economy of the Republic of Singapore relies heavily on Foreign Direct Investment. The country has invested in IT products, consumer electronics, financial services and pharmaceuticals. Singapore is ranked as the most open economy globally which his most pro-business and having low tax rates of roughly 14% of the overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Production Output Performance Analysis Real Gross Domestic Product Gross Domestic product (GDP), is a macroeconomic assessment that is utilized to evaluate the sum value of commodities and services that are produced by a nation within a particular time. Real GDP is arrived at after deduction of inflation from Gross Domestic Product and is a value that accounts for changes in price because of inflation (Burda Wyplosz, 2012). GDP is an important tool because it is used to give an estimate of the total spending in the economy. However, inflation may increase the value of GDP doing the project a wrong figure of the actual growth economy, and is thus the reason why Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is adjusted by deducting inflation to arrive at the real GDP. Real GDP Growth Rate The real GDP growth rate measures the performance of the economy by showing the speed at which the real GDP increases from one year to another. The value is often expressed as a percentage, and one can quickly identify if the economy is growing or declining by looking at the real GDP Growth rate over the years. The real GDP growth rate is considered to be a better measure of the performance of the economy as compared to nominal GDP growth rate because it takes into account the purchasing power and inflation. Real GDP per Capita Analysis Real GDP per capita analysis considers the population. Real GDP per capita is arrived at by dividing real GDP by the number of people living in the country (Goodwin et al., 2013). Real GDP per capita analysis measures the performance of the economy by analyzing the standards of living in the country. Real GDP per capita analysis is also critical in measuring economic performance as it can be used in comparing standards of living over time in the country or between different nations that share the same currency. Performance Trends of the Republic of Singapore The economy of Singapore has been growing rapidly over the years since its independence in the year 1963. Currently, the country is among the ones with the highest GDP globally. The average GDP growth rate of Singapore since its independence in 1963 up to now is 6.88 percent with an all-time low of -13.50% in the year 2008 and an all-time high of 37.20% in the year 2010 (Baker, Bloom Davis, 2015). (Source, 2016) Economic Performance since the Year 2005 to the year 2015 As at 2015, Singapore Gross Domestic Product was valued at 402.5 billion dollars and increase from 388.2 billion dollars (Department of Statistics Singapore, 2016). The GNP per capita also improved from 67,462 in the year 2014 to 69,283 in the year 2015. However, the real economic growth rate slightly decreased from 3.3 in the year 2014 to 2.0 in the year 2015 (Department of Statistics Singapore, 2016). Year Nominal GDP (Billion US $) Nominal GDP per Capita Real GDP (Billion US$) 2005 127.417 212.074 29,866 49,715 2010 236.420 63498 46,569 63498 2011 275.369 346.353 53,122 66,816 342.371 2012 289.941 362.332 54578 68205 354.061 2013 302.245 378.200 55979 70047 324.592 2014 308.051 390.089 56319 71318 380.585 2015 388.2 402.5 67462 69283 392.147 (Department of Statistics Singapore, 2016) Government Measures adopted to achieve the production output performance Economic development in Singapore is attributed to sound macroeconomic policies developed with the objective of maintaining a good long-term investment environment as a result of openness to the market, limited government spending, the regulatory efficiency with little or no capital required and instituting of laws that deter corruption (Hall Sambu, 2013). The fiscal policies are bound for fundamentally promoting long-term economic growth instead of distributing income or cyclical changes. Singapore is also an advocate of free trade and has developed trade policies to promote international trade in the country. According to World Bank Group (2016), Singapore is ranked as at position ten regarding ease of starting a business in the country. Registering a business in Singapore is relatively easy and with taking even less time to complete. On the same note, the registration procedure can be done online via ACRA website. Labor Market Analysis Decreased unemployment is also an indicator of economic development. Unemployment takes place when a person who is aggressively searching for employment is not able find a job (Hall Sambu, 2013). As at 2012, the overall unemployment rate was 2.0 in Singapore which is lower compared to other countries such as Hong Kong (303%), South Korea (3.2%), United States (8.1%). Taiwan (7.5%), Spain (25%), and United Kingdom (8.1%) (, 2013). Types of unemployment in an economy Different types of unemployment exist in the economy. Some of the main types of unemployment comprise: Structural Unemployment: This type of unemployment occurs because of mismatch of jobs and potential workers because of lack of requisite skills required to do available jobs (Weiss, 2014). That is the mismatch between skills that the workers in the economy have and what employers want. Structural unemployment is dependent on dynamic changes in the economy and the social needs of the economy. A good example is when advances in technology make skills of workers obsolete hence increasing the unemployment rate. Frictional Unemployment: Frictional unemployment occurs in the economy because of transitions made by employers and workers having incomplete or inconsistent information (Chron, Hairault Langot, 2013). That is the typical turnover in the economy and the duration it takes for a person to hit upon new employment. Workers tend to take a lot of time to match up with new employers because of lack of information. Frictional unemployment is perceived as a transactional cost of trying to get a new job because of imperfect information about the job market. Cyclical Unemployment: This is a type of unemployment associated with economic contraction. Cyclical unemployment occurs because of up and downs that the economy undergoes (Gregg et al., 2014). An economy that is under recession has higher levels of unemployment as compared to an expanding economy that creates a lot of job opportunities. Seasonal Unemployment: Seasonal unemployment occurs because of seasonality in production. They are mainly associated with industries such as tourism, farming, and construction. Voluntary Unemployment: Voluntary unemployment occurs when a person decides not to take a job at the current equilibrium wage rate. Some of the reasons that contribute to voluntary unemployment include high levels of income tax, low pay, and excessively generous welfare benefits. According to Hall Sambu (2013), voluntary unemployment tends to happen when the equilibrium wage rate is below the salary that individuals want to supply their labor. Types of Unemployment in Singapore Cyclical Unemployment: The primary cause of joblessness in Singapore is Cyclical or demand-deficient unemployment. The reason is that Singapore has a large external sector which is the biggest source of economic growth. For example, Singapore manufactures and export electronics to other countries. Therefore, if the international demand for electronics falls employers may resort to reduce the number of people employed so as to lower the cost of production. Frictional unemployment: Singapore also faces frictional unemployment because of people moving between jobs. Many people are unemployed while being involved in searching for employment in Singapore. There is imperfect information in Singapore labor market increasing the rate of frictional unemployment because people are not aware of the available job opportunities in the labor market. Structural Unemployment: Globalization and advancement in technology have led to the restructuring in Singapore. Therefore, structural unemployment may happen in the economy. Singapore economy has transited from labor intensive to capital intensive economy meaning that many people may become unemployed because of lack of the necessary skills. Government Measures Adopted to Achieve Full Employment Frictional Unemployment: The government of Singapore can reduce labor immobility by disseminating information about available job opportunities to ensure that people are quickly and efficiently placed into the available job vacancies. The key measures adopted by Singapore to reduce unemployment include: Organizing job matching by Community Development Council to disseminate information concerning available jobs and match people in search of jobs to the most suitable jobs quickly, provision of job search services, labor market information, and networking. Structural Unemployment: The government of Singapore has developed supply-side policies where workers are trained to gain the necessary skills that can make them ready for employment. Singapores Workforce Development Agency (WDA) runs the Skills Programme for Upgrading and Reliance with assistance from Employment Employability Institute (E2I). The program is used to upgrade workers skills to ensure that workers are constantly updated with the current skills and knowledge demanded by the economy. Price Level Analysis Inflation determines the purchasing power of a Currency. The inflation rate has been decreasing over the years in Singapore. The average annual inflation rate for the year 2015 was at -0.43 a decrease from 1.02 in the year 2014. Since 2011 the inflation rate decreased significantly from 5.24%. (Source Kaiser, 2016) Definition and Causes of Inflation Inflation can be defined as the persistent increase in the general price level in the economy. Bresciani-Turroni (2013) defined inflation as the rate at which the general price levels of both goods and service is increasing and at the same time, the purchasing power of the currency in the economy decreasing. The causes of inflation can either be demand side factors or increased aggregate demand and cost-push factors. Demand-pull inflation: The underlying factor that cause demand pull inflation is the rise in aggregate demand. Increase in aggregate demand without a corresponding increase in supply could result in increasing price levels hence inflation (Carbaugh, 2013). Causes of demand pull inflation include depreciation of the exchange rates, monetary stimulus to the economy because of the decrease in interest rates, fast growth in other countries increasing the amount of income because of exports, and fiscal stimulus that may result in an increase in demand. Cost-Push Inflation refers to inflation that occurs because of rising costs. The main causes of cost-push inflation include rising labor costs, increasing tax rates, increase in prices of raw materials, declining productivity, a decrease in exchange rates, and inflation because of monopoly powers (Cowen Tabarrok, 2015). The expectation of inflation may result in further inflation because people will be concerned with rising prices triggering higher pay claims hence wage price effect. Causes of Inflation in Singapore Inflation in Singapore is primarily caused by: Immigration: Singapore is open to any persons who are interested in living there. Therefore, the countrys population has been increasing over the years. Many foreigners are immigrating to Singapore because of the countries friendliness. The economy is also rapidly increasing over the years. There is also an increase in international demand for domestically produced exports in Singapore resulting in an increase in aggregate demand hence demand-pull inflation. The increasing cost of doing business because of hiking of prices: For example increase in Goods and Service Tax, increase in the cost of transportation, kindergarten fee, and utilities. Growth in government spending: The government expenditure has grown over the years in Singapore. For example, increase in budgetary allocation for Singapore police force or Salaries for Civil servants. Government Measures to Achieve Stable Price Monetary Policy: The Central Bank can use monetary policies to decrease inflation in Singapore, which can be achieved by increasing interest rates to reduce aggregate demand in the economy. Increasing interest rates decrease consumer spending because it becomes expensive to borrow. People will thus save money rather than spend money. Supply Side Policies: The government of Singapore can reduce inflation by using supply side policies to increase the economys long-term productivity and competitiveness, for instance, privatization of public organizations to improve the countrys productivity. Fiscal Policy: The government can also use economic policies to reduce the aggregate demand. Singapore government can cut its spending and increase taxes to curb inflation. Conclusion Singapore is one of the economies that have been able to move from third world country to a first world within a short period. Singapores economic growth is attributed to the development of constructive policies, effective government and right economic conditions. Singapore adopted and utilized free market economy where they promote international trade and is open to international investment through Foreign Direct Investment (Cowen Tabarrok, 2015). Singapore economy has been performing well with an increasing real GDP, decreasing levels of unemployment and low rates of inflation because of the development of sound macroeconomic policies. References Felker, G., Jomo, K. S., Rasiah, R. (Eds.). (2013). Industrial technology development in Malaysia: industry and firm studies. Routledge. Unemployment in Singapore. Retrieved 24 July 2016, Singapore in figures 2016. (2016) (1st ed.). Kaiser, a. (2016). GDP Inflation | Economic Indicators of Countries: Inflation Rate in Singapore (from 1993 to 2016) | Forecast. (2016).Singapore GDP Growth Rate | 1975-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast. World Bank Group. (2016). Ranking of economies - Doing Business. Burda, M., Wyplosz, C. (2012). Macroeconomics: a European text. Oxford university press. Mankiw, N. G. (2014). Principles of macroeconomics. Cengage Learning Cleaver, T. (2013). Understanding the world economy. Routledge. Goodwin, N., Nelson, J., Harris, J., Torras, M., Roach, B. (2013). Macroeconomics in context. ME Sharpe. Baker, S. R., Bloom, N., Davis, S. J. (2015). Measuring economic policy uncertainty (No. w21633). National Bureau of Economic Research. Hall, K., Sambu, W. (2013). Income poverty, unemployment and social grants. ChildGauge, 2010105 Weiss, A. (2014). Efficiency wages: Models of unemployment, layoffs, and wage dispersion. Princeton University Press. Chron, A., Hairault, J. O., Langot, F. (2013). Life-cycle equilibrium unemployment. Journal of Labor Economics, 31(4), 843-882. Gregg, P., Machin, S., Fernndezà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Salgado, M. (2014). Real wages and unemployment in the big squeeze. The Economic Journal, 124(576), 408-432. Bresciani-Turroni, C. (2013). The Economics of Inflation: A study of currency depreciation in post-war Germany, 1914-1923. Routledge. Carbaugh, R. J. (2013). Contemporary economics: an applications approach. ME Sharpe. Cowen, T., Tabarrok, A. (2015). Modern principles of economics. Palgrave Macmillan.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sophistication Essays (792 words) - Films, Willard, Loneliness
Sophistication Sophistication, an intriguing story by Sherwood Anderson, is written about George Willard and his lonely journey into manhood. He is a small town boy from Ohio who is discouraged by the lack of direction in his life. When he reached the age of 18, he began to see himself as just another soul to live and die. Willard realizes that unless he does something to change the course that his life is taking, he will never be a great man in anyone's eyes. More than anything else, he needs someone to know what he was going through, and understand how he felt. There is a time in the life of every boy when he for the first time takes the backward view of life. Perhaps that is the moment when he crossed the line into manhood. I think this one sentence is the essence of what Anderson is trying to communicate throughout the story. As George Willard looks at his meaningless life and his bleak surroundings, fresh ideas, new ambitions, oppressing sorrows, and lonely thoughts play with his mind, trying desperately to overcome him. He likens the transition into sophistication to a deep mood that takes over. It sweeps over his whole being and completely encompasses all of his thoughts and actions. George Willard realizes and aches over the time limitations placed on his ambition. He knows death is inevitable and he is taunted by its gloomy calling. He intends to journey to a major city and get a job at a newspaper. He hopes that his feelings of immaturity will be erased by his importance there. Although it isn't much, it is vital to him that he finds something to be remembered and admired for. George Willard has an intense craving to be different than other men. He wants to amount to something more than every other small town farmer's son. He has a need to prove himself to everyone so that he is given the recognition that he feels he deserves. One of the reasons that he wants this so badly was because the woman that he understands most fully is out of his class division. She is a college student with wealthy parents. Although he isn't on the right ring of the social ladder, George cannot suppress his feelings for her. Anderson states that at the moment George Willard came into sophistication is when his mind turned to her. Helen White is the only woman he longs for. Helen is a beautiful girl with all the necessary attributes to find a good husband. However, her mother doesn't believe that anyone from a small town is good enough for her daughter. Suitors from other towns and cities are invited by her mother to visit. They intend for Helen to fall for one of the men that her parents find appropriate for her to be seen with. If George Willard never amounts to anything, then he will never be granted permission to court her. George Willard had never really talked to Helen with the intention of seeking her hand. The feelings that they have are unspoken. He is conscious of the long-lasting impression that she casts upon him and the dignity that she possesses. He is acutely aware of her graceful yet significant presence and he longs for her closeness. They both need the other to feel and understand the changes that are taking place within their souls and minds. In understanding each other, they join together to take the final step into adulthood. Their ability to sit and communicate without saying a word is a sure sign of growing up. Their thoughts have taken a transformation so that they now look at the world with a more knowledgeable and worldly view. George and Helen are changing and growing into sophisticated adults. At the same time, they are merely on the verge of adulthood and have an occasional tendency to slip back into the playful innocence of youth. They are caught somewhere in an animal-kind of world that only evolves with time. In the company of another adult who understands, loneliness is banished but somehow deepened at the same time. It is like a security blanket. George knows that she is there to
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
When and How to Use Brackets
When and How to Use Brackets When and How to Use Brackets When and How to Use Brackets By Maeve Maddox Reader John B. Moss asks if there are guidelines for the use of brackets. There are indeed. Academic style guides such as the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers go into such matters at great length. The most common use of brackets is to enclose explanatory matter that one adds in editing the work of another writer. They indicate that some kind of alteration has been made in the original text. 1. In quoting a passage it is often necessary to insert information that was provided elsewhere in the original text: I dont care what he [Poe] meant by it, the line sounds great but makes no sense. 2. Sometimes a word in the quotation is archaic or used in a sense that may not be familiar to the intended reader so the editor may wish to provide an explanation in brackets: Paul said he was let [hindered] hitherto. In this episode of C.S.I. her character says Gimme some bling [gaudy jewelery]. 3. Sometimes its necessary to change the original capitalization or provide a word in order to make a quotation fit grammatically into the new text: Original: He was an out-spoken old curmudgeon. Quoted form: According to Joness biographer, [h]e was an out-spoken old curmudgeon. 4. Sometimes brackets are used to enclose the dots that indicate missing words. The usual way to indicate that some words have been left out (an ellipsis) is to mark the spot with three dots (). Original: It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Matchd with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race Incorporated quotation: According to Ulysses in Tennysons poem, it little profitsan idle kingtomete and dole unequal laws unto a savage race. Some (but not all) academic writers would enclose the dots in a quotation in brackets: According to Ulysses in Tennysons poem, it little profits[]an idle king[]to[]mete and dole unequal laws unto a savage race. Another use of brackets Brackets can be used in the context of ones own writing when more than one thing needs to be set apart. For example: Watching a popular actor who usually plays good characters play a villain (like Tom Hanks in Road to Perdition [2002]) has a negative effect on many movie-goers. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Signs and Symbols You Should Know10 Types of TransitionsWhat’s the Best Way to Refer to a Romantic Partner?
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Sicilian Phrasebook
Sicilian Phrasebook GREETINGS Bon giornu. Bona sira.Good evening. Bona notti.Good night. Addiu.Good-bye. Comu si senti?How are you? Bonu, grazii, e Lei?Fine, thanks, and you? Unn cà ¨ mali.Not bad. Piaciri di canuscirvi.Pleased to meet you. GETTING ALONG Parra inglisi? Iu unn parru sicilianu.I do not speak Sicilian. Ma capisciu si parra chià ¹ lentamenti.But Ill understand if you speak more slowly. Mi capisci si parru inglisi?Do you understand me if I speak English? Cà ¨ nessunu cca ca parra inglisi?Does anyone speak English here? Comu si dici in sicilianu...?How do you say in Sicilian...? ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS Mi po diri comu si va a ...? Quantu si ci metta a [town name] di cca?How far is [town name] from here? Quantu si ci metti in machina?How long does it take by car? Mi po mustrari na carta unna mi trovu?Can you show me on the map where I am? Gira sinistra.Turn left. Gira destra.Turn right. Jiti rittu rittu.Go straight ahead. Faciti un giru cumpletu.Make a U-turn. Jiti à ´ primincruciamentu.Go to the first intersection. Unn à ¨ luntanu.Its not far. È vicinu.Its nearby. Si ci metti cincu minuti a pedi.Its a five-minute walk. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION Pi favuri, unna à ¨ u benzinaiu u chià ¹ vicinu? Pi favuri, mi metta deci litri di benzina.Ten liters of gas, please. Mi volcontrollar a pressioni dà ® gummi?Would you check the tire pressure? Unna pozzu parcheggiari?Where can I park? Cà ¨ un parcheggiu ca vicinu?Is there a parking lot nearby? È un parcheggiu liberu?Is this a free parking lot? ON THE BUS Quali autobus devu prenniri pi jiri à ¢ Quattru Canti? Unna à ¨ a firmata?Where is the bus stop? È chistu lautobus pi San Fratellu?Is this the rigth bus for San Fratello? Un biglettu, pir favuri.One ticket, please. Devu scinniri a...I have to get off at... Mi po diri unna devu scinniri?Can you tell me where to get off? AT THE TRAIN STATION Quannu à ¨ u prossimu trenu pi Missina? Vogghiu un bigliettu di andata e ritornu.Id like a round-trip ticket. Un bigliettu sulu di andata.One-way ticket, please. Un bigliettu di prima classi, pi favuri.First class, please. A chi ura arriva u trenu di...?At what time does the train arrive from...? Chi à ¨ direttu o espressu?Is it a local or an express? Mi po dari un orariu?May I have a timetable? Da quali binariu parti u trenu?From what platform does it leave? U trenu parti dà ´ binariu...The train leaves from platform... U trenu pir Catania parti a...The train for Catania leaves at... È trenu cu prinotazzioni ubbligatoria.You need a reservation for this train. FOOD AND DRINK agneddu antipastu mistumixed antipasto baccalarudry salted cod bivannidrinks calamarisquid cicirichickpeas ducisweets fasolibeans panibread pipipepper pumudamuritomatoes sasizzasausage u primufirst course u secunnusecond course vinu biancuwhite wine vinu russured wine SHOPPING Comu Le pozzu sirviri? Vogghiu sulu dar un occhiata.I just want to have a look. Vogghiaccattarun capeddu.Id like to buy a hat. Unna à ¨ u camerinu?Where is the fitting room? Pozzu cangiari na vota accattatu?May I return this? Faciti anchi modifichi cca?Do you make alterations here? Pozzu pagari cà ¢ carta di creditu?Can I pay with my credit card? Non accettamu carti di creditu, sulu contanti.We do not accept credit cards, only cash. Mi poincartari u me acquistu in pacchettu regalu?Can you gift-wrap my purchase? Tuttu ntà ´ negozziu à ¨ in saldu.Every item in the store is on sale. È troppu granni / nicu / lungu / curtu.Its too large / small / long / short. SERVICES Mi po puliri sti cammisi, pir favuri? Quannu sarannu pronti i causi?When are the pants going to be ready? Mi bisogninu pi sabatu.I need them by Saturday. Devu pagari ora o quannu i vegnu a ritirari?Should I pay now or when I come to pick them up? Eccu a so ricevuta.Here is your receipt. Vulissi tagghiari i capiddi.I would like a haircut. Vulissi un tagghiu curtu.I would like my hair short. Vulissi sulu na spuntata.I would like my hair trimmed. Faciti anchi massaggi cca?Do you also do massages? MONEY Unna à ¨ a banca a chià ¹ vicina? Quannu apri / chiudi a banca?When does the bank open / close? Unna pozzu truvari un Bancomat?Where can I find an ATM? A quantu sta u dollaru oggi?How much is the dollar today? Chi tassa ci mittiti sà » cambiu esteru?What is your fee on currency exchange? Accitati carti di creditu?Do you accept credit cards? AT THE BEACH Unna pozzu affitari una sdraia? A chi ura devu ristituiri a sdraia?At what time shall I return the deck chair? Chi voli diri a bannera russa?What does the red flag mean? Quantu pozzu natari a largu?How far am I allowed to swim here? Unna pozzu accattari na buttighia dacqua nta spiaggia?Where can I buy a bottle of water on the beach? È chista na spiaggia pubblica?Is this a public beach? HEALTH Pozzu vidiri un dutturi, pi favuri? Chiamati lambulanza!Call an ambulance! Unn mi sentu bonu.I dont feel well. Mi sentu malatu.I feel sick. Mi fa mali a testa.I have a headache. Mi fa mali a panza.I have a stomachache. Haiu un allergia.I have an allergy. Cercu na farmacia.I am looking for a pharmacy. Mi po diri unna à ¨ a farmacia chià ¹ vicina?Where is the nearest pharmacy, please? Devu pigghiari sta pinnula cu acqua?Should I take this pill with water? EMERGENCIES Latru! Aiutu!Help! Lassami in paci!Leave me alone! Vattinni!Go away! Mi scipparu a cullana!They snatched my necklace! Haiu bisognu di un interpetri.I need an interpreter. Cà ¨ un dutturi cca?Is there a doctor here? Focu!Fire! Chiamati i pomperi!Call the firemen! MEASURES centimetru chilometrukilometer chilukilo litruliter metrumeter DAYS OF THE WEEK luneddà ¬ marteddà ¬Tuesday mercoleddà ¬Wednesday gioveddà ¬Thursday venerddà ¬Friday sabbatuSaturday duminicaSunday MONTHS OF THE YEAR jinnaru fivraruFebruary marzuMarch apriliApril maggiuMay giugnuJune lugliuJuly agustuAugust settembriSeptember ottubbriOctober novembriNovember dicembriDecember TIME Chi ura à ¨? È luna.It is one oclock. Sunu id dui.It is two oclock. Sunu i dui e menzu.It is two-thirty. Sunu i dui menu un quartu.It is a quarter to two. THE FOUR SEASONS primavera estatisummer autunnuautumn invernuwinter THE WEATHER Chi tempu fa? Fa friddu oggi.Today it is cold. Fa cauru.Its warm. Chiovi.Its raining. È na bedda jurnata.Its a gorgeous day. Nun chiovi, ma fa ventu.Its not raining, but it is windy. È nuvulusu.Its cloudy. Quanti gradi fa fora?How many degrees is it outside? Rumani ci sar una timpesta.Tomorrow there will be a thunderstorm.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Guidepals City Guides Overtake on Today's Original Paper City Guides Research
Guidepals City Guides Overtake on Today's Original City Guides - Research Paper Example Using a Smartphone allows it easier to communicate, and the substantial difference with a Smartphone, is that you can access a browser, Internet, directly via your device. This includes blogs and social networks, which gives media a massive competitive advantage (Cromar, 2010). A later developed feature to the phone that has become a market changer is apps. Software applications are a vital element of the Smartphone market today. Every Smartphone operating system contains an online shop where apps can be bought and downloaded to the Smartphone to extend the functionality of the Smartphones (Cromar, 2010). 3 An app is a web application accessed over a network such as the Internet. It is computer software seen as a program that permits the utilizer to access the content he (she) is looking for more easily. Apps can be written in a standard format such as HTML and JavaScript. Go give an example of an app: Bank of America encompasses an app where one can see your account, look after your transactions and reach the bank directly via your device (Rollins, 2012). ... It is believed that, considering speed and booming market of today’s smartphones, the ordinary paper city guide will disappear and that the current companies providing them should switch over to digital usage, to be still able to be able to compete with companies already using digital city guides through smartphones. To prove this study, I will refer to GuidePal (, One of the major players in the market today that provide city guides apps for Smartphones on all major platforms. It is a Swedish company, passionate about travelling, providing free city guides, completely objective, unbiased, constantly updated and created by local experts ( 4 Problem Statement: â€Å" GuidePal application has overtaken original paper city guides†4 Aim & Objectives 4 The aim of this research study will be to show how much of the industry, the digital city guide (city guides for smartphones) is taking over. To show the clear correlation between guided tra velling today compared to 5 years ago, towards city guides. The aim of this study is also to answer questions in forms of: What it takes for a company to create city guides for smartphones? How much it costs to develop? What is attractive through the consumer’s eyes in a city guide today? What functions are there to today’s city guides via smartphones offering? How will digital city guides affect paper recycling? The purpose of this study are to give a clear vision to the consumer, how much more easy, giving, environment friendly and convenient it is to use digital city guides instead of a classic paper guide. 5 Literature Review 6 Due to today’s technology and development will
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Using Life Story Work to Enhance Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Using Life Story Work to Enhance Care - Essay Example The idea of life story work could be traced to the 1960s or just before this period. However, many of the discussions on the use of this intervention on dementia patients, foster care and adoption children became more widespread in the 1980s and later years. Due to these discussions, life story work is currently a well documented concept, especially in the UK where the concept has even been integrated into the adoption legislations (Rusell & Timmons, 2007). Academic and professional discussions and debates have not discussed the application of life story work but also the professionals supposed to be involved in life story work. One of these professionals is the social worker. In this regard, social workers are required to take the critical role of making certain that clients such as children under adoption care or soon to be adopted have a life story record or book. Since social workers are perhaps the bearers of the most accurate information on a child’s background and upbri nging and the reasons for which such children were placed under foster or adoption care, it is essential that such information is availed for use in life story work interventions. Besides social workers, the other people expected to use life story work are foster care givers, residential support workers and adoptive parents. In addition, children’s carers have the best information on their daily lives and achievement, which they should give for the benefit of life story work. Birth parents are also important bearers of children’s life events and achievements and should provide such information for use on adopted children or on their own children (Rusell & Timmons, 2007). In addition to the named groups, any willing adults or bearers of any important information on the lives and times of life story work clients should come forward and present such materials. Importantly, such a person should be willing and able to spend time with such a client or a child so that a stron g and trusting relationship is built between them. Nonetheless, some stakeholders opine that untrained persons should not support clients with life story work even if they are nurses, social workers or foster carers. A point worth noting about life story work is that the gender, ethnicity, religion or culture of the parties to a life story work should be taken into account and respected (Rusell & Timmons, 2007). The Principles and Benefits of Life Story Work As a social and medical intervention, life story work is based on several core principles, which practitioners such as nurses and social workers should uphold. As must have been understood by now, life story work targets people (children and adults) who may have forgotten or have a fragmented idea or understanding of their own history or a broken sense of themselves. Thus, life story work seeks or attempts to assist such people to have a redeemed or stronger sense of their history and identity, in the process helping them make s ense of their lives, situations and history. In general, life story should aim at answering clients’ and carers’ questions regarding what happened, when, how and why certain events occurred to clients. Thus, a rather holistic approach to life story work is recommended. In this approach, the influences that every individual in a person’s life may have on his or her life and experiences are
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Lesbian Essay Example for Free
Lesbian Essay In society a persons appearance and label help us categorize and give us a general understanding of who that person is. Of course there are stereotypes that play a part in all of this. However, it is almost impossible to escape seeing as how people are identified by others is usually based on stereotypes. This weeks reading ties in with this exactly. A point was brought up that I found to be quite simple which most people (myself included) would agree with, but is not always the first explanation that would come to a persons mind. The way in which we understand and view what a lesbian is, is influenced by race, class privilege, ethnicity, age, the wanting to conform, and various other factors that weigh in (Crow Gotell, 316). We are influenced by everything that surrounds us, including race, class, privilige, etc. We may not be conscious or aware of it all the time, but it is always there. It is how we understand most of the world, make decisions, and how you and society behaves/interacts with one another. As this argument was mentioned a few paragraphs later once again it got me to think that the way I, a born and raised Canadian understand and view the notion of a lesbian is probably different from a perosn born and raised in another country. Take the Philippines for example. The Phillipines (in the past and currently) almost always portray lesbians as stereotypically masculine and butch lesbians in films, and other media. Whereas Canada, comaparatively does not have so much of that stereotype in the media. But what if we did not have lesbians that fit into the â€Å"norms†of lesbianism? What and who would this affect? The reading brought up another good point that I agree with on one hand, but am quite perplexed with on the other as it not simple as black and white. The lesbian uniform that are put on by the lesbians who want to, (or sometimes unknowingly) identify, conform, and express themselves are not just that uniform. But yet they are. By wearing that uniform they might take away other parts of their identity because they are focusing on on aspect of themselves. A lesbian is not just a lesbian, they, like women are more than just that. A persons identity is composed of thier gender, sexuality, status, ethnicity, the list goes on. And so, when reading this I thought that on top of probably having a harder time coming out and living as a lesbian, there is an identity issue within the identity of being a lesbian, and an issue with being a woman as well. Everything is connected and affect one another in different way. This is what gives everyone lesbian a different experience and identity. Even though two lesbians label themselves as such, what they go through and see other lesbians as is totally dependent on the factors.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Much Ado About Nothing :: essays research papers
Shakespeare is known for his incredible ways of writing and his master pieces of literature that he produces. But, why is that one might ask? Just like a master artist, Shakespeare makes the fine detail the important part of his writing as an artist would in a masterpiece of a painting. For instance a piece of literature that enables Shakespeare to express his fine detail is “Much Ado About Nothing';, a romantic comedy. The fine detail is the characters and how they are fully developed and amazingly expressed. One character in the play is Benedick and he is expressed in an interesting way. Benedick is a character that not only deceives other characters in the play, but most of all he deceives himself. Benedick’s deceiving ways derive him to be a hypocritical character; this phenomenon makes his role compellingly intriguing in the play “Much Ado About Nothing';. Â Â Â Â Â Benedick has a unique view toward love, he wants no part in giving or receiving love. He has a simple way to live, “I will live a bachelor'; (Shakespeare I .i.176), he first chooses not to get involved in the love scheme. Benedick has strong hold on that feeling and what’s to keep it that way. Encounters with a character known as Beatrice prove this to be true. Everytime these characters see one another arguments are endless, and put downs are fired back and forth. In fact Benedick tells her “...I would I could find in my heart that had not a hard heart, for truly I love none'; (I.i.92), his one way view is expressed to confirm his stubborn ways of love. The bickering between these two make it obvious that there is a hidden-love, which has potential. All the while Benedick is making clear that he will not fall to love and nothing will change his view. The deception will come from his view that is extremely well grounded. Â Â Â Â Â Another instance where Benedick’s deceiving way are used is later in the play. This time Benedick is the deceived instead of the deceiver. This is where Benedick becomes a hypocrite. Deception still is taking place, just in different ways. Close friends of Benedick known that Benedick is listening to their conversation, and they say how Beatrice and is in love with him and he should go for this. Playing with his mind they say “Shall we go seek Benedick, and tell him of her love?'; (III.i.154), they known that Benedick is listening so they don’t have to tell him. Benedick starts to believe that this is true and his feelings suddenly change.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
“Of Mice and Men†during the 1930’s Essay
John Steinbeck wrote â€Å"Of Mice and Men†during the 1930’s when the Great Depression would’ve started. The dustbowl was wiping off all the good soil so all the farmers lost there jobs and they lost all their money. Also loads of people lost money in the Wall Street Crash when the stock market crashed. Many men had the dream like George and Lennie and work like them so they can get their fifty bucks or work up a stake to buy some land of their own. Many people were racist so Crooks had a very hard life even though he had nothing different about him but his skin colour. Also he is a cripple so he can’t do too much work except tend the horses. Candy is a bit the same because he has a busted hand and got a bit of compensation but nobody else would employ him so he has to stay there. Lennie is really dumb and even though he is strong no one would employ him because of his intelligence. He is lucky that he has George because it was George that would have probably got him the job. George is a very intelligent person who is a hard worker but can never live the life he wants to because Lennie keeps ruining it. Slim is a very good worker and is very efficient and is essential to the ranch. He is the only one who can speak to Curley’s wife and get away with it. â€Å"This is just a nigger talking’, and a busted back nigger. So it don’t mean nothing, see?†this shows how disrespectful Curley’s wife and other people can be to Crooks. Crooks are portrayed in the book as a black, enabled person who is beaten and tortured for fun. He has only a few human rights like being able to live and do what he wants to a certain extent but is beaten by the boss when it’s not even his fought and he is used for games. Just like when they set dogs on a bear even though the bear is chained up, one of the workers will have his hands or legs tied together so that poor old Crooks has a chance. Crooks is always mentioned by the Boss and the workers as the nigger, a bit like an animal, like you call a dog, dog when talking about it, they do the same to Crooks. They treat him like an animal. Smitty was the guy that had the fight with Crooks but lost. He said â€Å"If he coulda used his feet, Smitty says he woulda got the nigger†which proves the point that he was treated like a game. Crooks will never fit in the 1930’s because of all the racism with the KKK. He is also enabled so he has got two main problems with him that is why he is pushed around and beaten. Crooks is placed in the novel by Steinbeck to show another aspect of how not being strong, young, male and intelligent can cause loneliness and discrepancy about whether they can really enjoy themselves without a little bit of help. Crooks don’t like white folk as we see when Lennie goes into his room. He says â€Å"You got no right coming into my room†Crooks tries to get back at Lennie for him not being able to go into the Bunkhouse. He wants to make Lennie feel left out by saying things like â€Å"Sometimes he talks, and you don’t know what the hell he’s talkin’ about?†shows this in a way that Lennie doesn’t understand. Lennie is probably cautious of that because it’s true, he then tries to scare Lennie by saying â€Å"What would you do if George don’t come back tonight?†and Lennie gets all worried and scared. In the end Crooks stops doing it because he wants someone to talk to. He tries to act normal but his anger is let out he complains how â€Å"Books don’t keep a man company. They gotta have a person to talk to or they will go mad†shows this, he can’t control himself. He portrays a lonely man with no friends or anyone to talk to and it isn’t his thought. He is like an untouchable. The other characters in the book which are marginalized are people like Lennie, Curley’s wife and Candy. Lennie is marginalized because even though he is young and strong he is so dumb. People realize he’s so dumb they even play tricks on him, like when George is talking to Slim he says â€Å"He was so dumb one time I told him to jump into the water, he jus’ jumped and when we pulled him out he was so God damn grateful he was being all kind again†proves this, Lennie being so dumb must make it hard for George or anybody to have a real conversation with. Candy is left aside because he is unable to work properly because of an accident when he got his hand caught in a machine. Even though his $250 compensation he can’t move on with his life or move away so he has to stay at the ranch. You can tell that he’s lonely because when he over hears Lennie and George talking about their special little place their getting he jumps at the opportunity and says â€Å"How much do they want for that place?†shows that Candy is very interested in the farm. He even offers them every last cent he has to go with them and his will, will be left to them. He says he can’t wait and is thoroughly excited. He is just a useless old man, just like his dog a waste of space but seems very wise because he tells George and Lennie how he can cook, clean and wash and even tend chickens so he advertises himself as a slave just to get out of the ranch. Curley’s wife doesn’t fit in with everybody else because of her sex. There are no other women on the ranch so she has no one to talk to when all the men go out to work. This is why she always tarts herself. She just wants to be noticed a lot of the men say â€Å"You have Curley to talk to†but she just replies â€Å"all Curley talks about is how he’s gonna get some guy and lead with his left†so she shows that marrying Curley was a big mistake. She must have been drunk or just been let down and grabbed whatever she could. You can tell she is lonely because of the way she always asks â€Å"Have you seen Curley?†and trying to get noticed. She is a perfect example of Steinbeck using her character to show loneliness when she says â€Å"Standing here with a bunch of Bindle stiffs†and then says â€Å"and likin†shows that she shouldn’t really have to stay there and talk to them because she is young and beautiful but because she is a woman she can’t go out with the men. Curley’s wife is very different from many other people and the opposite to Curley because she wants to be Lennie’s friend. None of the other men implied that they don’t want to be friends with Lennie but you don’t hear in the book many other people talking to him except for George. This is because Curley’s wife knows that Lennie is interested in her because when they first met he â€Å"wouldn’t move his eyes away from her†and unbeknown to Curley’s wife Lennie says â€Å"She’s Purdy†and Curley’s wife tries to exploit this feeling by saying hello to him every time she sees him and lets Lennie stroke her hair not realising that it would cause her death. In the book Steinbeck makes most of the characters that do have the characteristics of being young, white, male and strong to succeed in the world like George and Slim. This because Steinbeck wanted to show the World that anyone not in that category would not survive like Lennie and Curley’s wife. He believed that this was realistic and that his book could have been a true story. George and Slim, these type of people would have survived because of the fact that they would have become so vital to the ranch, Slim already has. George will definitely become like slim because he is a good worker; he is strong, white and male but is also very intelligent so he knows where to be careful. You can tell that Slim is vital because Candy says â€Å"She’s been giving him the eye†and then says â€Å"if anyone can mess with Curley’s wife its Slim because he’s so damn good at his job†which shows that any other person messing with Curley’s wife, Curl ey would try to pick a fight with but he knows that the boss wont like that because of how essential he is to the ranch. George will become this way unless he moves because he has already shown a lot of his intelligence by saying to Lennie â€Å"don’t say anything†and how he explains to the boss when they first meet â€Å"He isn’t the smartest guy but he can sure back a packet of Barley quick†showing that he tells the boss about Lennie’s bad points but then over emphasized about his good points. He is also very smart right at the start when he says â€Å"Were gonna sleep here because I got a reason†and the reason is because he knows that if he goes tonight he’ll have to get up tomorrow and go to work when he can just stay here. Lennie doesn’t realise this and asks why. George knows better than to tell him the truth because he knows that Lennie might let it slip to the boss and he doesn’t want that so he says â€Å"I just like this spot†and Lennie doesn’t seem to care and just carries on getting fire work. To conclude this essay Crooks was placed in the book to show how bad racism is and to show how he was treated. Lennie, Candy and Curley’s wife are put in to show that if you’re not white, male, intelligent and strong you won’t be able to survive. Lennie got killed by George, Candy will die shortly because of his age but Crooks he will survive but with a wretched life of racism and it probably will not get any better in his life. The people that do survive are characters like Slim and George and they survive because they are fit into the elite category of being string, intelligent, white and male. Soon George will become indispensable to the Ranch just like Slim who â€Å"Is so God damn good at his job†unless of course they want to move, but where ever those two go, they will become very good at what they do. George’s whole life awaits him now because he hasn’t got Lennie to mess up things and can do what he wants like he says â€Å"I could go into town and buy a gallon of whisky and sit and play pool or visit a whore house. But I’m stuck with you†so really he should do a lot better without Lennie.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Chinas Pollution Essay
When people think about China the main thing that comes to mind is its wonderful scenery and growing economy. China has been catching up to the rest of the world by industrializing. According to the organization for economic corporation department (OECD) â€Å" Chinas Economy will overtake the U.S. as the biggest in the world by 2016†. However there are many concerns leading up to Chinas success. In the middle of China’s extraordinary economic growth and industrial growth, the energy outputs to supporting this growth has resulted in an all time high in pollution. This growth has caused China to be the most polluted country in the world. Many parts of China are suffering from water and air pollution due to coal mining and the dumping of toxic wastes. The question we ask today is what has the government done to tackle the pollution issue? Pollution in China has been a major problem for years, dating all the way back to the Mao Zedong and the Industrial Revolution. The government was so preoccupied with the growing agriculture they overlooked the situation. However with angry citizens and protesters they tried implementing different ways to protect the environment. Environmental officials finally took action, creating different laws to improve the air quality and regulate the water. Chinas economy is on a historic run relying on resources such as coal and water for their development. However Chinas increasingly polluted environment is largely due to the country’s hurried industry development causing large increase in energy consumption. This pollution problem has left a deadly impact on the people in China. Air pollution is so bad that in some parts citizens cant see the sun but because of the smoke and fog. The World Health Organization has estimated that this air pollution is responsible for 300,000 premature deaths annually. Those staggering numbers are a major problem that needs to be regulated. Chinese cities are covered in lethal cloak, which leads to water and air contamination. Nearly 500 million Chinese citizens lack the access to unsafe drinking water and 1 percent out of the 560 million breath safe air. China is thriving because of its expanding industry however by using resources such as coal. Coal is a useful resource however it is a very dir ty source and contaminates the air when burned. The industrial industry is allowing China to flourish economically but at the same time leaving a drastic impact on the people. One of Chinas leading environmental researchers, Wang Jinnan, announced â€Å" It is a very awkward situation for the country because our greatest achievement is also our biggest burden†. This explains how resources such as coal contribute to the growing industry but also has deadly effects on the people. Chinas economy is on a historic run but is it worth putting peoples lives in jeopardy? China’s reliance on coal has an effect on the air quality. It is said that China burns more coal then the U.S., Europe and Japan combined. The sulfur dioxide that is emitted from the coal and fuel can affect breathing, cause respiratory illnesses and lung diseases. An unpublicized report done by the Chinese academy of Environmentalist planning said in estimate that yearly premature deaths attributed from outdoor pollution is on track to reach 550,000 in 2 020. This alarming statistic has China’s people worrying and curious to see what the government is up to. Air pollution not only affected the people but also the water, produce and other resources. The lack of fresh water in China evolves around the contamination of the Water due to illegal littering. In different regions in China factories and farms dump waste into the surface water. Chinas environmentalist monitors say â€Å" One- third of all river, and vast sections of Chinas great lakes†¦ have water rated grade v, the most degrading level†. As a result of this contaminated water China has the highest liver and stomach cancer deaths in the world. Water pollution is a complicated part of Chinas problem and is hard to be prevented. As a result of the dumping of wastes into main rivers and lakes many Chinese citizens don’t have fresh water to drink. Leaving many people thirsty is not a problem government official’s want for their country. In Liangqiao, a small village in China, citizens blame the Mining Corporation for the dumping of chemicals into tributaries in the Laza River. This creates for a shortage of drinking water and untenable for agricultural use. A professor in South China’s agricultural University says, â€Å" The mining company’s waste flows directly into the Laza River which runs into the Pearl River, a major source of drinking water for 12 million residents of Guangzhou city,†This is a horrific problem and the government needs to react now before it gets worse. Riots broke out in a Xinchang, city in China, over the environmental degradation. Citizens are angry at the lack of government initiative in the pollution and took matters into there own hands. One outraged villager explained, â€Å" Our fields won’t produce grain anymore†¦we don’t dare to eat food grown from anywhere near here†. The agriculture is declining, leaving farmers with a scarce amount of good. Government officials were overlooking this problem in order to keep the economy growing. In just 30 years china has made an extraordinary development economically and with the governments help China can thrive even further by implementing environmental regulations for the people. Over the years, government officials implemented ways to help the pollution problem as well as maintaining economic development. Alarmed by the repercussions of industrialization and urbanization, Chinas environmental agencies are working on imputing laws to regulate the pollution. One of the first improvements made was the removal of lead, which was beneficial to Hong Kong by reducing their mortality rate. Recognizing the problem Chinese leaders such as Deng Xiaoping and Prime Minister Jiaboa are speaking out, telling the people about different environmental protection laws. Although there are many objectives set forth by the government to fix this pollution problem, no real noticeable actions have taken effect. The Chinese Government is more worried about the economy then the people. The most determined effort control china’s fast industrial growth was the project known as the â€Å" Green G.D.P.†, â€Å"which was an effort to create an environmental yardstick for evaluating the performance of every official in China. It recalculated the gross domestic product to reflect the cost of pollution†. This was an effort to regulate the financial loss that pollution had on the economy. However the government pulled out of the project in 2007. The Chinese government saw that the financial and economic issues that resulted from the G.D.P. such as the struggles realizing that any attempt to prevent pollution would hinder it economically. The frightened idea to interrupt China’s growing economy is a reason why China still has pollution today. In attempts to stick to their original goals to prevent pollution, China began to make continuous efforts. In Linfen, China, known as the heaviest polluted city in the word, officials have set up laws to help clean up the region. The Xiangfen County Environmental Protection Bureau announced that seven factories will close due to their environmental harm. Chinese environmentalist Yang spoke out about the factories saying, â€Å"If they fail to meet the (pollution) goals in the first year, their superiors will raise the topic; in the second year, they will receive a formal warning; in the third year, they will be removed from post.†By threatening the closing down of factories, results in a greater up keep among factories. The only problem that would result in closing down these factories is unemployment; however, the health of the people is more important. In 2011, Toyota Motor announced that they would be making low-emission cars in China. China has the biggest market of cars and creating an environmentally safe way to market a car is upright. Further-more, in recent years, China’s attempts to help the environment have been successful and hasn’t prevented economic progression. In the City of Lizhou, the environmental conditions were horrid because of the rapid industrialization and urbanization. However, by implementing the improvement in clean water, the citizens have benefited greatly. The Lizhou Environmental Management Project set forth to invest in sewage networks, wastewater treatment plants, and waste collection stations. As a result of the advancement, wastewater treatment in the City has increased from 15 percent in 2005 to over 75 percent in 2011. The project was designed to provide clean water for poor urban areas in China. This is a stepping-stone for China and can hopefully lead to more change. China’s industry development dates all the way back to the Great Leap Forward when Mao’s goal was to increase agricultural output; with All things considered, the communist government has acknowledged the major pollution problem in the country but is slow in terminating it. It needs to stop worrying so much about the growing economy and think more about the health of its people, an issue that stems from the pollution problem in china. As the environmental situation declines, China will not only become a healthier, more appealing place to live, but also raise funding through tourism and environmental technology, garnering the economical gains that the government strives to get.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Mr Adrian Nevuukke Essay example
Mr Adrian Nevuukke Essay example Mr Adrian Nevuukke Essay example Using examples explain why methods of coastal management vary from place to place. Coastal management is when you protect the coastline from flooding or erosion, to try and protect the coastline there are various techniques used to protect the coastline, for example: soft engineering and hard engineering. * Soft engineering- Soft engineering uses natural systems for coastal defence such as beaches and dunes which can absorb and adjust to wave and tide energy. * Hard engineering- hard engineering is protecting the coastline using man made structure, for example: groynes, sea wall and rip rap. Coastal management varies in different places because of various different reasons such as: geology, population, economic cost and SSSI etc. There are many reasons why the government and organisation choose to protect coastlines and there are also many reasons why they do not, in order to make the vital decision to save or to leave places they will use a cost benefit analysis which uses 3 factors to decide whether a place should be protected or not, social, economic and environmental factors is what is used to decide this. The government will also be offered with 4 options which will allow them to choose what happens in the coastline. The 4 options that they can use are: * Hold the line- this means keeping the coastline at its present position by maintenance and building coastal defences, such as: groynes, sea walls and drainage systems. Groynes are most likely to be in more economically, socially or environmentally beneficial * Advance the line- Define a line in the seaward directio n and build up to it by reclamation, for example: beach nourishment. This will also be used in environmentally, socially or economically beneficial places. * Manage retreat- Let natural processes slowly move the coastline back to a line which can be more readily stabilised. This technique will be used in less sustainable areas. * Do nothing- Let nature take its course so that, for example, coast erosion would not be fought, this will also be used in less sustainable areas. During the decision of choosing to protect a coastline or not the government will have to take all these factors on board. Coastal management varies from place to place for many reasons Firstly, one reason that coastal management can vary from place to place is because of the geology/ rock type of an area this can determine whether a place should be given coastal management or not. softer rock will erode more quickly than harder rock, this means the softer rock will need more coastal management because the rock is more vulnerable to erosion, softer rock is more vulnerable to erosion because softer rock because waves can easily eat way at the rock causing top cut notching, caves, arches and stumps. All of these coastal processes mean that the coast will erode more quickly, while on the other hand harder rock will not erode as quickly meaning it does not need as much coastal management, for example: the happisburgh coastline is eroding extremely fast one main reason for this is the clay cliffs which are very vulnerable to erosion and have very high erosion rates, on the other hand the white cliffs of dover/ Kent are not suffering from as much erosion as happisburgh / Norfolk on main reason for this Is the chalk cliffs this type of rock is much harder than clay cliffs meaning it does not erode as quickly, meaning the erosion rates are lower. Secondly, coastal management can also vary from place to place due to the population of an area, the population of an area can affect coastal management because highly populated areas will be at a higher priority than places with lower populations, this is because places with high populations have more life’s at risks and more to lose, for example: sea palling/ Norfolk has a population of 1372 from the 2011 census, this place is suffering from erosion and has lost approximately 150m in the last 50-100 years and even
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
New Zealands History, Government, and Geography
New Zealand's History, Government, and Geography New Zealand is an island country located 1,000 miles (1,600 km) southeast of Australia in Oceania. It consists of several islands, the largest of which are the North, the South, Stewart and Chatham Islands. The country has a liberal political history, gained early prominence in womens rights, and has a good record in ethnic relations, especially with its native Maori. In addition, New Zealand is sometimes called the Green Island because its population has high environmental awareness and its low population density gives the country a large amount of pristine wilderness and a high level of biodiversity. History of New Zealand In 1642, Abel Tasman, a Dutch Explorer, was the first European to discover New Zealand. He was also the first person to attempt mapping the islands with his sketches of the North and South islands. In 1769, Captain James Cook reached the islands and became the first European to land on them. He also began a series of three South Pacific voyages where he extensively studied the areas coastline. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Europeans began to officially settle on New Zealand. These settlements consisted of several lumbering, seal hunting, and whaling outposts. The first independent European colony was not established until 1840, when the United Kingdom took over the islands. This led to several wars between the British and the native Maori. On February 6, 1840, both parties signed the Treaty of Waitangi, which promised to protect Maori lands if the tribes recognized British control. Shortly after signing this treaty, though, British encroachment on Maori lands continued and wars between the Maori and British grew stronger during the 1860s with the Maori land wars. Prior to these wars, a constitutional government began to develop during the 1850s. In 1867, the Maori were allowed to reserve seats in the developing parliament. During the late 19th century, the parliamentary government became well established and women were given the right to vote in 1893. The Government of New Zealand Today, New Zealand has a parliamentary governmental structure and is considered an independent part of the Commonwealth of Nations. It has no formal written constitution and was formally declared a dominion in 1907. Branches of Government in New Zealand New Zealand has three branches of government, the first of which is the executive. This branch is headed by Queen Elizabeth II who serves as the chief of state but is represented by a governor general. The prime minister, who serves as the head of government, and the cabinet are also a part of the executive branch. The second branch of government is the legislative branch. It is composed of the parliament. The third is the four-level branch comprised of District Courts, High Courts, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. In addition, New Zealand has specialized courts, one of which is the Maori Land Court. New Zealand is divided into 12 regions and 74 districts, both of which have elected councils, as well as several community boards and special-purpose bodies. New Zealands Industry and Land Use One of the largest industries in New Zealand is that of grazing and agriculture. From 1850 to 1950, much of the North Island was cleared for these purposes and since then, the rich pastures present in the area have allowed for successful sheep grazing. Today, New Zealand is one of the worlds main exporters of wool, cheese, butter, and meat. Additionally, New Zealand is a large producer of several types of fruit, including kiwi, apples, and grapes. In addition, the industry has also grown in New Zealand and the top industries are food processing, wood and paper products, textiles, transportation equipment, banking and insurance, mining and tourism. Geography and Climate of New Zealand New Zealand consists of a number of different islands with varying climates. Most of the country has mild temperatures with high rainfall. The mountains, however, can be extremely cold. The main portions of the country are the North and South islands that are separated by the Cook Strait. The North Island is 44,281 square miles (115,777 square kilometers) and consists of low, volcanic mountains. Because of its volcanic past, the North Island features hot springs and geysers. The South Island is 58,093 sq mi (151,215 sq km) and contains the Southern Alps - a northeast-to-southwest oriented mountain range covered in glaciers. Its highest peak is Mount Cook, also known as Aoraki in the Maori language, at 12,349 feet (3,764 meters) above sea level. To the east of these mountains, the island is dry and made up of the treeless Canterbury Plains. On the southwest, the islands coast is heavily forested and jagged with fjords. This area also features New Zealands largest national park, Fiordland. Biodiversity One of the most important features to note about New Zealand is its high level of biodiversity. Because most of its species are endemic (i.e.- native only on the islands) the country is considered a biodiversity hotspot. This has led to the development of environmental consciousness in the country as well as eco-tourism. New Zealand at a Glance Population: 4.9 million (2018 estimate)Capital: WellingtonArea: 103,737 square miles (268,680 sq km)Coastline: 9,404 miles (15,134 km)Official Languages: English and MaoriHighest Point: Mount Cook (Aoraki) at 12,349 ft (3,764 m) Interesting Facts About New Zealand There are no native snakes in New Zealand76% of New Zealanders live on the North Island15% of New Zealands energy comes from renewable sources32% of New Zealands population lives in Auckland References and Further Reading â€Å"The World Factbook: New Zealand.† Central Intelligence Agency, 22 April 2010.â€Å"New Zealand.† Infoplease.â€Å"New Zealand.† U.S. Department of State, Feb. 2010.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Reading assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Reading assignment - Essay Example The Lord never forgets his people and he loves us very much. Even if you are suffering now, it will not be forever God will eventually rescue your from temptation. The Virgin Mary is also a strong sign of the almighty power and love the Lord has for humans. This is a sign of the marvelous things the Lord has planned for us. The narrator also discovers that the Lord made everything on the surface of the earth even the smallest thing; including a hazelnut. This indicates that we should only pursue to please the Lord since everything belongs to him. However, man has been known only to pursue earthly wealth. Only then can we be spiritually satisfied. The Lord loves us so much that He provides His followers with wisdom to better comprehend the world around them. That is what enables man to be innovative and to praise the name of the Lord for all he has provided us. Since the Lord made everything He has the urge of preserving his creations. That is why when an individual is sick and has faith, he/she shall be healed in the precious name of the Lord. The above facts show us that God is good and is associated with everything good. If you follow His ways, He shall protect you and guide
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cognition Development and Music Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cognition Development and Music Training - Essay Example His world is bounded by the sense of touch and better yet, by the sounds that his surroundings would offer. Perhaps a good example of how sounds contribute to the human brain is the teaching of verbal language to the young ones. The words they utter such as 'Mama' or 'Dada' results from the insistent and persistent training of the parents who illustrate by speaking to the baby in an instructional technique. Consider for example the study of Weber et al (as cited in Overy, 2000) which employed elementary school students from 50 Swiss educational institutions. There was an experimental curriculum in which language and math subjects were augmented with musical instruction. The finding was that those who availed of such an instruction performed better in language and reading than those who took the standard courses. Another interesting study is that of Gardiner et al (1996) who found out that those 1st grade students who availed of a program which replaced standard methods of instructions with musical teaching registered better performances in math and the languages. Indeed, the association between sounds and learning have been the interest of many studies some of which have been specialized as more scientific tools are becoming available. Consider for instance the study published in the Society of Neuroscience conducted by Lahav and Schlaug (2007) of Harvard Medical School. What they did was to teach nine randomly selected people (from a pool of candidates who have met certain criterions such as having no musical training) and teach them a five note, 24 second song. They then let the subjects listen to three different songs - the one they taught, another one with the same five notes but different... What they did was to teach nine randomly selected people (from a pool of candidates who have met certain criterions such as having no musical training) and teach them a five note, 24 second song. They then let the subjects listen to three different songs – the one they taught, another one with the same five notes but different arrangement and another one with additional notes. By using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), they were bale to come with an image that shows that when they hear the song they were taught there was significant activity on the frontal and parietal lobe. This part of the brain is associated with motor movements which leads the author to speculate that the human mind may have developed neuron systems which allows us to understand actions even when they cannot be observed but can only be heard such as when we hear the rustling of leaves. What is important to recognize is that these studies serve as proof that there is indeed a connection between the b rain and musical training.Professional Training in Music  After having illustrated the connection between brain development and sounds, we are now prepared to consider a much more complex topic and that is the inquiry into whether professional musicians have developed cognition abilities different than those who haven’t received musical training at all. I caution the reader, however, that this discussion does not presuppose that there is indeed some form of connection as what our previous discussion would tell us.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Anglia Local News Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Anglia Local News Assignment - Essay Example (Gillan2010) Also unlike the traditional host, it is the provider who manages the service implying that the consumer only has to have a computer and internet to access the service. Another feature of cloud is that it can be private or public. A public cloud is offered (sold) to anyone via the internet whereas a private cloud refers to a proprietary network that is only provides to a limited group of individuals. Whether one goes for the private or public cloud, the goal is to render scalable computing services. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) refers to a model whereby cloud providers deliver and control Information technology resources such as storage, computation and network capacity. (Blokdijk & Menken 2009) By this, cloud providers own, manage, render as well as distribute Information technology resources more effectively and conveniently to their subscribers. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) This refers to a set of software and development tools provided by a cloud vendor as a hosted infrastructure. Through this developers can be able to create applications running on the provider’s platform via the internet. (Blokdijk & Menken 2009) Platform-as-a-Service providers may use AP1s, web portals as well as gateways that are installed in a client’s computer. Examples of PaaS are GoogleApps and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) This refers to a model in which the vendor provides the hardware and software infrastructure as well as the software product that interacts with the user through a front-end portal. The range of services provided by SaaS is very broad. Examples of this include We-based Mail, database processing as well as inventory control. (Blokdijk & Menken 2009) Because the applications and the data resides with the host provides it enables the services to be accessible from anywhere. Benefits of cloud services By adopting cloud computing, some of the benefits an organization would accrue as would inc lude the following: First, cloud computing saves time. This is because by an organization relying on using installed software’s to meet their needs they stand the chance of spending more time procuring, mastering and managing their programs. (Velte & Robert 2009) However a business saves time upon adopting cloud since some cloud vendors offer software as a service, hence an organization is spared the inconvenience of managing their programs. Secondly a business stands fewer chances of glitches upon cloud adoption. This is because services offered through cloud require few versions. Therefore there is less upgrades needed and it becomes easy to implement considering the fact it is the cloud providers who implement this. (Velte & Robert 2009) Also considering the fact that most businesses incur problems in integrating software with other similar applications which makes it hard to share data, cloud enables user to integrate applications such as management systems, emails and of fice applications reducing cases of productivity glitches. It has also been known that cloud promotes conservation of the environment. This is considering the fact that personal computers only utilize 10 to 20 percent of the capacity; this implies there is a large percentage in energy waste. Therefore by pooling resources in cloud based systems there is energy savings on the life extended by personal computers. Another great advantage of the cloud is increased access
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effects of the financial crisis on various UK industries
Effects of the financial crisis on various UK industries Economic Report The above graph shows the FTSE 100 index in the 5 years to the 14th October 2010.  The index value at any particular time is based on the share prices of the top one hundred by value with each organisation being weighted in proportion to its total market value (Pike, Neale, p.38 2009).  Despite this index only being a small percentage of the total companies in the United Kingdom it generally reflects the performance of much of the market. Prior to the financial crisis of 2008 leading to the crash in the markets-shown in the first quarter of 2009-investment in government debt was regarded as relatively risk free. It is a sign of the fragile economy situation globally that investors no longer view such investments as a sure thing (Oakley, 2010). This credit crisis has prompted investors to proceed with caution and despite initial positive trends the principles which underpinned investments in the past have been shattered resulting in large scale political reforms throughout much of the Western World (Future of investing, FT). The suggestion of an unsteady recovery is reinforced by a recent article in the Economist which states that, Big asset busts are usually followed by years of weakness as the over-borrowed repair their balance-sheets. Experience suggests that several years of slow growth lie ahead.                  Oct. 7th 2010 It goes on to state that the reactive measures will be the biggest synchronised fiscal tightening on record.  Governments worldwide have had their hand forced in to budget cuts and other measures to sustain growth out of the crisis.  Whilst this statement points to and assures uncertainty should be highlighted that growth albeit at a slow pace is thought to be likely. The current economic situation, specifically in the United Kingdom, is underlined by the massive growth in unemployment. Gilmore comments that the number of workless households has increased to 3.9 million over the last two years an increase of 389,000 (2010, p 39). Furthermore, high profile cutbacks remain prevalent with Boots and Hewlett-Packard announcing combined cuts of 2,200 workers in the UK alone (Clark, 2010; Felsted 2010). Whilst over the past two years there has been an overall escalation in unemployment there are some signs of improvement. The three months to July 2010 witnessed the number out of employment fall to 2.47 million (Gilmore, 2010). It can be said that the current times are very uncertain and on that account the correct investment strategy will be vaguer than ever before.  For that reason, the general investment strategy which will be employed is buy and hold.  Not all investments will be made in this manner, however, for the most part this logic will be applied.  The buy and hold approach can be justified by looking at the market trend since the FTSE 100 began in 1984: It can be seen that after a dip such as in 1987 and in 2000 that the market tends to recover so despite the fragile economic situation a recovery, albeit a slow one as mentioned previously, can be envisaged. Sector Reviews Sector: Power The power sector is one of the main constituents of the FTSE 100. Utilities and Oil Gas alone make up 14 of the 104 constituents which complete the index, together counting for nearly a quarter of the net market capitalisation for all the industries included. It can therefore be deduced that any reasonable change in the power sector as a whole has a great influence on the performance of the top one hundred FTSE listed companies (FTSE Fact Sheet, 2010). For consideration, the sector has been split in to three main sub-sectors: mining, water utilities and oil gas. All three sub-sectors witnessed their three year minimum around 2009 and have recovered strongly since with one exception to be covered in more detail: oil gas. Mining The recovery can be expected to continue in the mining sector as commodity prices continue to rise. One of the major mined commodities, gold, has seen prices soar in recent times increasing nearly six fold since 2001 (Post1, 2010) to its current levels of $1361.20 per ounce. The market expects this price will continue to rise amid speculation that the United States government will commence quantitative easing once more (Murchie, 2010). Barrick Gold and Anglo Gold Ashanti have recently raised equity to eliminate bad hedges and does not expect to return to hedging at any price (Yahoo! Finance, 2010). Thus, both organisations expect the price of gold to continue to rise therefore gold companies with proven reserves are likely to increase in value. This theory is reinforced by a Goldman Sachs analyst, writes Alistair Dawber, who predicts that Gold will hit $1,650 within a year (Independent, 2010). Water and Utilities Water and Utilities in the United Kingdom show a strong recovery after the first quarter of 2009 also receiving boosts from an exceptionally cold winter. Profits of ScottishPower rose 7.9% last year due to the bitterly cold winter and Britains biggest supplier of gas and electricity witnessed profits soar 46% to  £554 million (Macallister, 2010). The Met office commented that it had been the coldest winter in thirty years (2010). Long term forecasts predict that this winter will be colder than average with more precipitation than would be the norm. Should this hold true then share prices will increase on the back of higher demand for gas and electricity which eludes to the sector share prices to trend upwards. Oil and Gas The first graphic representation shows the FTSE 350 index for Oil and Gas producers. A sustained recovery from the low in late 2009 was seen until Q2 of 2010 which observed a sharp decline. This deterioration is largely due to the Deepwater Horizon disaster and its effects are clear. BP (formerly British Petroleum) are the second largest company in the FTSE 100 index (FTSE Fact Sheet, 2010) so any change in share price will have a large influence on both the sector and the whole economy. The second graph shows the correlation between the BP share price and the FTSE 350 Oil and Gas. The cost to BP, who are regarded as being ultimately responsible for the disaster, amounts to a pre-tax charge of $32,192 million. This amount relates to all costs sustained in relation to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and the commitment to cover any future costs which BP feel they can estimate reliably (BP, 2010). As the cost of the disaster has already been absorbed by the company and the markets, assumi ng there is no further outfall, it can be expected that the market will continue to trend upwards and back towards its previous average. On this basis, the sector can be considered as a relatively safe investment. There is potential for very large returns within this sector however they arise with considerable risk. Those with a higher risk appetite may seek to invest in the companies partaking in the oil exploration taking place in the Falkland Islands. Investment Due to the positive nature of all three sectors in this uncertain economic period it has been decided that all three sub-sectors outlined will provide investment opportunities. This facilitates potential for excellent gains but at the same time it utilises one of the main strategies for managing risk, diversification (Jaeger, 2002, p.235). Sector: Transport and Leisure Transport and leisure is a broad ranging sector including companies such as Babcock International Group who specialise in a wide range of areas including defence to organisations such as First Group who are a leading transport operator in the UK and North America (First Group). As it is such a broad sector transport and travel and leisure will be combined due to the similar nature of the two sub-sectors. Food Beverages has been discounted for ethical reasons. Aerospace and Defence As much of this sub-sectors revenue comes from government spending, Aerospace Defence at first appeared to be a wise choice for investment although on closer inspection this was proved not to be the case.  This sector was eventually discounted largely due to the expected cuts in government spending in the United Kingdom and abroad which will have an influence on companies which rely on this spending to maintain profitability and current share price levels.  For example, Babcock International Groups revenues are 80% U.K based (Hoyos, 2010) which in the current climate is too much exposure to a single market.  The FTSE 350 index Aerospace and Defence shows the volatility across the sector throughout 2010. Automobiles and Parts Outside of the main organisations in this sector there is only comparatively small amount of information available outside of the major companies. Where the majors are concerned, a case could be constructed for investment however these are outweighed by the potential risks. In recent times there has been many disrupting events which have an effect on the volatility of share prices within the sub-sector. Three major car manufacturers, including one trading in the UK-Toyota, have announced large scale recalls. Toyota was forced to recall 10.9 million cars in the US and Canada (Simon, 2010) whilst both BMW and Dailmler AG have recalled a combined 698,800 vehicles. (Sky News, 2010)(WSJ, 2010). As well as the turbulent recalls demand for new cars in the UK has fallen and it is not expected that they will return to peak levels. Between 2007 and 2009 the amount of new cars purchased fell from 2.4 million to 1.9 million-of which 285,000 were purchased at a heavily discounted level under the Governments scrappage scheme (Sky News, 2010). The article goes on to state that sales figures are not expected to increase above 2 million for the next three years which would allude to a levelling of share prices at current levels. Food and Beverage The low which the FTSE 350 Food and Beverage experienced in March 2009 coincided with the bottom of the FTSE100, however, the dip was not as severe and the immediate recovery was swift and strong. Whilst these are promising signs there has been a stagnation. In Q2 and Q3 of 2010 the index has fallen from its high of 541.81 in mid April to a its current level of 528.69 (Yahoo finance, 18th October). In the same period the FTSE 100 after suffering from an initial drop recovered strongly and is now showing a positive growth curve in the short term. It can be concluded that the performance of the sector as a whole is not matching that of other sectors which are performing well. An example of a poor performer in this sector would be Punch Taverns which is one of the largest pub companies in the United Kingdom (Punch Taverns, 2010). Shares in Punch Taverns are down over 15% in the last 52 weeks (Interactive Investor Trading, 2010). Travel Leisure A graph of the FTSE 350 index over the previous 5 years is shown. It can be seen that from its peak in 2007 there has been a huge loss in market capitalisation across the travel and leisure sector however this was met with a strong recovery from mid 2009 onwards and this trend looks to continue. The upwards movement of this index is underpinned by growth in many of the major companies in the sector such as British Airways, Ryanair Holdings and Easyjet. This shows growing investor confidence in one of the most troubled industries of the past 10 years. Investment It is this confidence and steady sustained growth within sub-sector four that makes the Travel and Leisure sub-sector the advised choice for investment however the other sectors will provide some potential for investment should an appropriate company be identified. Retailers UK retail sector employees around 3 million people. It is the 3rd largest in the world after USA and Japan. On a whole the retail sector generates around 8% of the UK GDP. 1 in 10 of the people in employment currently works in the retail sector. Shops account for more than a third of consumer spending; due to this the retail sector is very important to how the economy on a whole performs. Usually if there is a drop in retail, the GDP of the economy would be affected greatly as well. The year 2007 marked the beginning of the credit crisis which resulted in the UK facing an economic downturn. This affected many companies, including Woolworths. Woolworths before the credit crisis was one of the major companies in the retail sector. Due to the crisis, which lasted from 2007-2009, Woolworths went into administration on the 26th November 2008. During late 2009 market the end of the period of the recession, which allowed the retail sector to improve its growth, as shown in the graph below. Investment The retail sector is ideal because of its high growth before the credit crisis, this sector is now quickly recovering and should be expected to be at a high growth as before the credit crisis. There should be high growth especially during the Christmas period. The House leisure Personal Goods sector would be an inappropriate option in my opinion because it involves lots of manual and material costs. This sector will also gain lower growth unlike the retail sector, which should have higher growth. Telecommunications The telecommunication sector offers a wide variety of jobs and is an important sector for the economy. The UK is one of the leading locations for telecommunication in Europe. In recent times, the competition between telecommunication companies has sharply risen since the early 1990s. This is due to the rapidly increasing use of phone lines, internet and mobiles etc. This sector also was affected with the credit crisis during late 2007 as shown below on diagram. One of the largest companies in the telecommunications sector BT faced their third-quarter profits had been reduced to 81 per cent. This was due to the poor performance from the BTs IT network division. BT had also had to write off a lot of its contracts which resulted in a loss of  £336 million. But it should be considered that this was due to the credit crisis, now that the crisis is finished, most companies should start to develop more growth in the telecommunication sector. Investment Telecommunications is constantly developing through mobile devices, video calling and other services. Todays technology has an impact on the telecommunication sector, such as Apple, that supplies innovative telecommunication service through its Iphone. There telecommunication service offers many new services, which suggest this sector would be ideal for strong growth The Tech Hardware sector involves lots of constant research that includes innovation and development, which could involve lots of costs in this sector. The Electronic Electronic Equipment sector involves large costs of investment because of the development and material costs involved, you must take into consideration of the current competiveness in the market today. This sector makes up for 4 per cent of the Europeans municipal waste, which is growing three times faster than any other waste management system, as discussed by Waste online website. It would not be recommended to invest in the Media sector because of the competiveness in this market. Current organisations in the media sector are losing out from customers, due to the vastly availability of free media available online. Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology Sector: Chemicals General The pharmaceuticals and biotechnology sector is a massive industry, there are many companies involved with the field. The value of the global pharmaceutical market is expected to grow 5-7 percent in 2011, to $880 billion, compared with a 4-5 percent pace this year, according to IMS Health. The sector divides itself into two sub-sectors. Pharmaceutical companies: Develop and manufacture prescription and over-the-counter drugs (aspirin, cold remedies, birth control pills), as well as vaccines. Biotechnology companies: Create new biological substances for use in drugs and diagnosing tools through research and development. The sector is mainly occupied by small, extremely specialised, research firms. As these companies dont have a normal income flow, but rely more upon new discoveries to help fund future research any breakthroughs or licensing arrangements. As this can lead to large revenues which may help fund even further research. On the other hand due to the small size of the businesses any delays in acquiring funding may cause cash flow problems. Along with this trading can be very irregular as new discoveries can cause share prices to rocket. There has been a trend in the pharmaceutical industry whereby small biotechnology companies are carrying out the premature work on new discoveries, before selling their work to the industry leaders, which is quite similar to an outsourcing model. The end result allows the product to be sold in large quantities to a global market. The industry has seen very drastic changes over the past few quarters, since performance was affected by factors such as generic competition. The next 5 years suggest a major change between the introduction of new products and patent loses. One of the main reasons why the global pharmaceutical market growth, will be limited to 5-8% through 2014 is because over the next five years. Products that generate sales upwards of $142 billion will eventually face competition from generic products. Also upcoming products are not likely to reach the same amount of sales, as products lose their patent protection. Fig 1. The above graph shows the FTSE-350 of the Pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector over a period of 4 years. You can see the affects of the credit crisis in the first quarter of 2008, after this there is a slight increase in the market however the market crashes in the first quarter of 2009. Overall the sector produced total revenues of $615.1billion in 2008. One of the most profitable sectors of the market in 2008 was cardiovascular which was worth 19.8% of the markets total value. That is equivalent to $121.7 billion. Forecasts suggest that the growth of the market is set to shrink with a likely CAGR of 3.6% fro, 2008-2013. This should cause the value of the market to increase to $734 by the end of 2013. Top ten companies top 10 pharma bio.jpg Emerging Markets Other recent trends include focusing on emerging markets such as the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). This is due to sales in emerging markets that have been growing at faster rate than sales in the established markets (IMS, 2010). Within the next five years these emerging markets will generate as much revenue as the traditional markets such as the U.S. market (largest pharmaceutical market) along with Europe and Japan. Source: IMS health Construction Materials Sector: Industrials materials This sector includes companies that are involved with discovering, developing and processing raw materials and mining/refining of metals, chemicals and forestry. Due to this sector supplying materials for construction, it heavily relies on a strong economy. This sector can also be very unpredictable as it is vulnerable to supply and demand due to prices of raw materials such as gold. In general construction activity declined rapidly by 10.5% in 2009. Estimates backed by fragile private sector housing, industrial and commercial property activity suggest a further fall of 1.6% in 2010. The most profitable in the sector over the past year was infrastructure and public non-housing (such as schools) which increased by 10% and 25% Recent data shows slight signs of recovery in the private sector, particularly in new housing. This is backed up by survey evidence which shows a slight increase in housing activity in the final quarter of 2009 construction2.jpg In 2010, private sector housing activity is expected to show further signs of a gradual recovery, but recent signs of increased investor confidence in commercial property may not translate into stronger activity until 2011. This is shown in the graph below. contruction 1.jpg Review Public housing: Weak activity in the private sector has caused output in this sector to have fallen in 2009. However due to the governments drive to help increase affordable housing there are signs of increase in the second half of 2009. Public housing is expected to rise around 6-7% within the next two years. Private housing: Output for private housing was forecasted to drop by nearly 30% last year. Forecasts suggest the recovery period will be gradual. Housing indicators also show recovery in house prices and mortgage approvals. Output in this sector is set to rise to 1% this year pushing it to 10% in 2011 Infrastructure and public non-housing: This sector is continuously growing over the past year this has been due to a number of high- profile projects such as road and rail projects across the UK, the schools building programme and the 2012 Olympics Private commercial and industrial: Over 25% of output has plunged since last year in this sector according to forecasts. Even though there has been interest to investors in this specific sector. Output will likely increase again in 2010, as the commercial sector underperformed industrial, before it returns to normal growth. Repair maintenance: As the current economic situation is slowly recovering, maintenance and private repair are expected to stabilise and eventually grow in 2011. However its different story for public repair and maintenance as its easier to push back spending on this area than make a cut in new high- profile investments Chemicals General including:- Support Services Tobacco Industrials Materials including:- Industrial Transportation Industrial General Industrial Engineering Sector: Chemicals General Sub Sector 1: Chemicals The chemical industry is very crucial to UK manufacturing as it provides the essential compounds for the manufacturing processes and the also the large number of jobs it creates. The industry is equivalent to 1.5%GDP. UKs manufacturing industry total sales of  £62.62bn over the period of 2005 to 2009. However when the economy fell into recession one of the key sectors to be hit by this was manufacturing which the chemical industry is a key supplier of. This sector is highly competitive which has lead to a great deal of mergers and acquisitions. Majority of the major companies in the UK industry are global players which are focused on core ` activities which involve specialised synthesis or final formulation of products. Before the economic recession growth was steady and would have increased over a period of time, however due to the sluggish growth of the UK economy and also globally. Growth will stay reasonably restrained in 2011-2012. Along with the dire state of the governments finance which will eventually lead to tax rises and spending cuts. Therefore this subsector will not be a profitable investment. However export markets in emerging economies are more likely to successful. Sub Sector 2: Health Care Equipment Services The Healthcare industry is broken down into smaller groups such as medical devices, laboratory equipment, system and technology and associated services such as management, training and education. The majority of companies that operate in the UK are foreign-owned mostly American. This sector exports up to  £4bn worth of products and services annually into the global market. Overall this sector is growing extremely fast as there are so many countries working to improve their health care services and facilities. The main reason to the UKs growing presence in the global market is down to the positive relationship between the government, the industry, NHS and private sectors. Along with the well developed health care infrastructure. One of the main themes of the healthcare industry has become cost reduction this is due to the difficult economic times. It is very crucial that the organisations look for new ways to help decrease costs. Therefore this sub sector will not be a profitable investment.
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